How to Quickly Get in Shape for Cheerleading

No matter what physical activity you do, you always need to be in the right shape. This will take time to do if you have not exercised for some time. The key to getting in shape for cheerleading is to be dedicated and patient. then find the right exercises to help tone your body and build your cardiovascular system.

A person gets into shape for cheerleading as they would do for other gymnastics: through diet and exercise. Training needed for cheerleading will fixate on one’s balance, flexibility, and dexterity. these place an extra emphasis on stretches. Upper-body strength is also needed.

Part of getting in shape will be making sure you reduce your weight. You cannot be too heavy to lift and toss into the air. Not only is performance motivation for getting into shape but being in shape helps prevent certain injuries.

To learn more about how to get in shape and remain healthier, just continue to read our article. it has the information you need to know about.

How much do you have to weigh to be a cheerleader?

There is no ideal weight limit for being a cheerleader. The reason this is so is that different cheerleaders are at different heights. being underweight is as unhealthy as being overweight.

Then there are different weight limits for both girls and guys. The main concern you should have is if the people doing the tossing and catching are strong enough to do those activities safely.

Basically, the weight limit will be up to the individual cheerleading coach and what he or she thinks is the ideal weight for their members. Each coach may set the limit and be strict about it.

There are stories where one college team had a 120-pound weight limit for the cheer flyers (the ones being tossed, etc.). This was across the board and covered all heights and body fat percentages.

One talented girl was cut from the team simply because she weighed 1 pound over that limit. Now to some that may be extreme but there are always good reasons for not making exceptions to the rule.

For NFL cheerleaders, the rule basically states that the girls must always be within 3 pounds of their ideal weight. There is nothing mentioned about what constitutes that ideal weight but it is a strict rule.

There are a lot of strict rules cheerleaders of all levels must follow if they want the status of being known as a cheerleader.

How do you train for cheerleading?

This involves a lot of different aspects. As you know, cheerleaders need to practice their cheer routines and that takes training and being in shape. That practice is just one aspect of their overall training. There are other important steps to take to make sure you are fit to be a cheerleader.

  1. Eat right- many girls think that in order to be thin they must skip out on nutrition. that is not the case. Make sure to eat the right foods in the right amount so your body is not deprived of healthy nutrients that make you strong
  2. Do not worry about looking thin- because the uniform and shoes are designed to make you look great, you do not have to be too thin in order to look like the perfect cheerleader. At the same time, you do not want to be overweight
  3. Exercise right- in other words, pick the right exercises that will tone your body as well as give you the strength you need to do your cheer routines. Not every girl is going to be the one tossed into the air, which means you need to have good strength to do the tossing and catching
  4. Be patient- Rome was not built in a day and your cheerleading form will not be completed in that amount of time either. Take your time, be patient, and be dedicated. Your cheerleading form will come if you do each of these steps right.

Training focus

When you are training to be a cheerleader there are three physical aspects you should focus on.

#1. Endurance

You will need to have a good cardiovascular system as those cheer routines can take a long time to do and be physically demanding. Also, you will be cheering for hours at a time. A game is usually not that short and if it goes into overtime extra innings, etc., then you need to be ready to cheer longer.

You will need to pick the right exercises that will build up your endurance and get you prepared for those long nights or afternoons of cheering. Then you need to build up the reps as you keep reaching your realistic goals.

#2. Flexibility

If there is one thing cheerleaders need it is flexibility. Without it, they cannot do those twists, spins, stretches and other activities cheerleaders are known to do in their cheerleading routines.

To achieve optimum flexibility means you have to choose the right stretching exercises. Some people suggest doing yoga poses but if you are not into that form of physical activity there are very good alternatives you can choose to use.

The key is to choose the ones that will bring you to the ultimate flexible state you need to be in to cheer properly.

#3. Weight training

This does not mean you train so hard lifting weights that you bulk up and look like Mr. Universe. But you do have to be strong enough to lift and throw anywhere between 100 and 150 pounds (with help from other cheerleaders) and then catch that falling weight.

Proper weight training will get you there and make sure you stay at that level. the key is to be sensible and set realistic goals. Then you should focus more on upper body strength as that is your key area when you are tossing and catching.

How do I train myself to cheer at home?

The key here is to be dedicated, motivated, and patient. You need all three if you are going to be a success at training and becoming a top cheerleader. training is not always that much fun. the real fun comes in when you are out on the field or the gym floor doing your routines in front of thousands of cheering people.

Just remember that the moment you think you can’t hack training and quit, you lose. That is not the goal of anyone who wants to be a cheerleader. To train yourself at home you still need to eat right and then do some or all of the following workout activities:

  1. Squats- you have been doing this since elementary school and you should know how they are done by now. Have each set consist of 15 reps.
  2. Jet fuel lunges- assume the push-up position with knees off the floor. Then move one leg forward until your foot is next to your hands. alternate the legs and do at least 10 per set
  3. Flight prep squat- this is the regular squat movements and positioning. The only difference is you are holding a dumbbell in your hands as you squat and come back up. One set should have 20 reps.
  4. Flight jumps- this is where you get into the squat position and go down into a squat. On your way up you leap off the floor as high as you can. try to land on a stepper. Repeat 10 times in one set
  5. Burpees- stand straight and then go into a push-up position doing one push-up. Then quickly move to a squat position and leap up with your hands reaching the ceiling. Land back into the standing position and do 10 for 1 set.
  6. Halftime lunges- you have seen the professional cheerleaders do this. They start by standing and then go down on one knee with the other knee at a 90-degree angle. 12 reps equal one set and do one set for each leg
  7. Squat thrusts- start in a standing position, then go down to the squat position before thrusting your legs out into the push-up position. Hold for a few seconds and then return to the standing position and repeat. 10 for one set.

These are just the exercises to get you in the right physical shape. You should do bike riding, stationary bike riding, steps, or run stairs to help you build up your endurance as well as your cardio system.

Not to mention, you should make time to do three days of weight training. How you schedule all these activities is up to you and your schedule. Just make sure to do a balance of them and give yourself realistic goals to reach. That way you will not get discouraged and quit.

Some final words

Being a cheerleader is one of the top goals in a girl’s young life. But to be one of the best, you have to be at the right weight as well as in top shape. This may mean skipping a few junk food sessions with your friends but your reaching your goal will be worth the sacrifice.

The key is never to give up or quit but find the motivation to help you make your training a success.

Dmitri Oz

Hello, I'm Dmitri. I grew up around carnival workers, and I created Performer Palace to generate interest in circus skills and the performing arts.

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