How Much Do Aerial Silks Cost?

On social media or any other media, you’ve probably seen how stunning and thrilling aerial arts can be. The arts are also ridiculously fun as you watch the experts do them. Probably, you want to take part in them but one question that bothers you is how much do aerial silks cost? 

Aerial silks are normally priced by the yard, and prices can range from between $8 to $100 per yard of fabric. Silks are normally between 8 and 15 yards in length, with widths of roughly nine feet, so the cost of fabric can range between $60 and $1,500.

I can’t deny that this is one conversation that very few people have openly. But with my experience stretching over many years, I can assure you they are not cheap!

Are aerial silks expensive?

Aerial silks are expensive. There is no getting around about that. Like I have already pointed out the cost range is wide as the quality of the materials changes. The cost of the aerial silks varies from $8 to $100 per yard depending on the quality of the material used to manufacture. The quality of the materials used ranges from low to high stretch and they hold different masses up to 900 kilograms. The lengths of the silks also differ with the longest ones being up to 15 yards long and the smallest ones about 9 yards. The width for most of them is around 108 inches. 

With these calibrations, you can find the rough estimates of the cost you will incur getting one that is within your budget. While the aerial silks may be very costly especially if you want to get quality silk, the results you will get from the experience will be worth the money you have spent. With discipline and patience, it can be a very good way for you to maintain a healthy body as well as become of sound mind. 

If this is your hobby, I would recommend that you purchase the best quality silk because it will guarantee you a longer lifespan while serving you well. For a beginner, the high-stretch material will be a bit hard to work with and it will make the experience horrifying. So what’s the point of buying the higher stretch lower quality silk that may probably have you hating your hobby?

At what age should you start aerial silks?

When starting an aerial silks class the aspect of age is always in everyone’s mind. Some may feel that they are too young to start and others may feel that they are a bit older and this may be too late for them. 

Have a look at this interesting story:

At the beginning of this year, I was in my aerial silks class. And then there comes an elderly lady whom I suspected to over 50 years old. In my thinking, I knew she may be coming to pick or get a message across for her daughter or son in our class. 

Our instructor attends to the lady and asks her how she would like to be assisted. To my surprise, she says she wants to start her aerial silk class. Okay, I did not really panic because I had seen someone around that age try out too. She did perfect by the way!

She was asked about her age and she said she is 65 years old! At first, I didn’t believe her age, she looked like around 50 to me. However, she seemed fit and active. My colleagues couldn’t believe she will be up to the task. To be honest, I knew she could give it a shot. Though she started with a lot of inflexibility, a week or two passed and she was improving. You can literally see the glow in her because I have been stealing a glance at her once in a while. 

What have you learned from this short story? Okay, let me break it down for you.

One thing that I can guarantee you is that there is no specific age for you to start your aerial silks. In my experience, I have seen very small kids aged around 10 years start their silk lessons as well as elderly people around 60 years!

Perhaps you are raising your eyebrows right now. But this is the truth. 

At any age, be it 10 or 60 years, your state of health will be a significant determiner if you are going to have a good aerial silks class. You already know the connection that exists between health and exercise. You have probably seen or heard many publications regarding the same throughout your life. 

One thing that really determines this is the flexibility of the person who needs to start off. Biologically, some people are very flexible than others. This may set the difference. However, with dedication, practice, and discipline, you can achieve this flexibility and enjoy the sport in the long run. One thing that I know is that there is nothing that makes you prepared for aerial but it is only the aerial exercises. 

So I can sum this by telling you that as long as you are fit and active, you can start your aerial silks at any age. 

Are aerial silks dangerous?

I don’t like to sound grim but it is a fact that aerial arts are inherently dangerous. You perfectly know the kinds of stunts involved in these kinds of sports, right? Working with heights and there come to the injuries. The common injuries that you might get doing your aerial silks include shoulder injuries, muscle pulls, fabric burns, and bruises among other injuries. In severe instances, cases such as broken bones, sprains, paralysis, and death are in the records. Dizziness and nausea as a result of spinning or the upside-down position are also imminent. 

However, these should not put you off. Such cases are very rare especially with all the industry caution exercised across different nations. In fact, you are always required to take classes tutored by an expert aerial trainer. As a beginner, various positions can result in injuries if you try on your own. An expert trainer also knows the limits you can reach as a beginner and this will ensure that you do not strain your muscles in the process. 

Can you lose weight doing aerial silks?

Initially, many people took aerial silk classes as a form of exercise to enhance their flexibility through training in endless acrobatics. It is amazing how this notion is changing. Although many of the aerial arts may seem effortless and graceful, the physical energy you spend in them can be a very means to put your muscles in shape. Those who have experienced it can attest to this. Taking part in these arts, you can burn up to 400 calories in an hour with experience and intensity intensifying things even further. 

It is not only that. The muscle mass you will build in the process means that your metabolic rate will also elevate. What this means is that even at rest, your body can be able to burn calories to keep your weight in check. So you want to get rid of some disturbing pounds? You will be surprised that aerial silks can be your next best thing to try. 

Recently, fitness enthusiasts have jumped into this trend. Reason? Because aerial silks classes can be both enjoyable and can also be a good way for you to take your fitness to the next level. Traditional exercises to maintain your fitness and lose some pounds can be such a turnoff. They can be very demanding and straining. Trying to compare both the traditional weight loss exercises and aerial silks, I can attest that aerial silks worked fine with me. I lost up to 10 pounds that I gained unnecessarily. 

The benefits I have observed with aerial silks exercises are; 
•    The exercise increases your flexibility so that you can comfortably work out if you want to. 
•    It makes your muscles strong so that you can remain active and take part in some low-impact workouts. 

At the end of the day, the exercise you do during your aerial silk classes together with the low-impact exercises will help you shed some unwanted pounds. 


In summary, aerial silks are fun and thrilling. If you are an enthusiast I know how fascinating you feel when you see experts do their acrobatics on the air. Aerial silks can be costly but be assured that it is an investment you won’t regret. I recommend that you find quality silks, particularly the low-stretch ones that can be very simple to work with. 

With that said, remember that aerial silks exercises are inherently risky. You could get hurt. To avoid this, it is good that your first classes are from an expert who will take you through the basics. Aerial silks are good means of losing some disturbing pounds through some low-impact exercises with great outcomes in the long run. All you need is dedication and discipline. 

So all the best as you look for your perfect silk and start your first classes. I wish you luck!

Dmitri Oz

Hello, I'm Dmitri. I grew up around carnival workers, and I created Performer Palace to generate interest in circus skills and the performing arts.

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